November 15, 2020 5 min read
An ethical clothing brand is usually called a pioneer who is steering the world of fashion in a new, greener direction. As the use of social media and our exposure to trends rapidly grow, the lifecycle of a trend has started lessening. With instant access to fashion brands and bloggers, we are constantly exposed to the latest ‘it’ products. Most companies have turned to fast fashion to keep up with this pace and are manufacturing clothing with a quick turnover rate. These pieces are easily and cheaply made and are not meant to last. After all, if these ‘trendy’ pieces are going to be out of style within a few months, why make them durable?
This fast turnaround way of thinking about and producing clothes poses a big risk to both the people making it and the environment. While the wearers happily parade around town with their ‘freshest’ look, they fail to think about the people who actually make their clothes. To set such a low price point, most companies usually outsource their manufacturing to third world countries where there are no worker unions, no standard minimum wage, and usually have very hazardous work conditions.
Some people started realizing what fast fashion was actually doing to the environment and what it meant for the people who were making it and realized that they had a choice. They could either continue supporting such brands and indirectly support their unethical treatment of their workers, or they could buy from ethical clothing brands instead. We firmly stand as the latter, fashion is meant to be a vessel of self-expression and art, not represent unethical and hazardous living conditions for the very people who make it. Curating a wardrobe of ethical clothing (link to and supporting sustainable living does not have to be a great daunting task! And with the support of fashion pillars like Vogue, ethical fashion is definitely in!
We have rounded up 10 ethical clothing brands who share this philosophy of ethics in the fashion world and vow to make it a better industry:
Slow fashion, sustainable clothing, and an ethical manufacturing process are the new much-needed trends that are sweeping over the fashion industry. It is a welcome yet delayed change but it is here now and that is all that matters. We are proud to be an ethical clothing brand who is taking the initiative to pioneer change and we are hopeful for a greener, better future for the fashion industry.
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